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VFX Shaders

Ghost Lines Shader

Lines overlay on top of a glowing vertex wobble shader. Inspired by Ghostwire: Tokyo.

Ghost Lines shader with default settings

Ghost Lines InspectorGhost Lines Inspector

  • Settings Mode: Controls the visibility of settings
    • Basic: Limits the settings to the most commonly used ones
    • Full: Shows all the settings

The documentation below describes all the settings, set the Settings Mode to Full to see them all.

While this shader has a lot of settings, the defaults should look good out of the box, so you can just drop it onto the mesh and call it a day.

You can achieve very interesting combinations if you take advantage of the provided settings though, so don't be afraid to experiment!

Base Glow Settings

  • Gradient Direction: Controls the direction of the Glow gradient
    • X/Y/Z: Sets the gradient to be aligned with the X/Y/Z axis
  • Gradient Sharpness: Adjust the sharpness of the glow gradient. The smaller the value - the more area the gradient will cover
  • Gradient Range (Min/Max): Adjust the range of the glow gradient in Local Space. X - gradient start, Y - gradient end
  • Top Color: Adjusts the end color of the gradient
  • Bottom Color: Adjusts the start color of the gradient
  • Rim Light Sharpness: Controls how sharp the rim light falloff will be. Higher values push the rim light toward the edges
  • Rim light Push: Pushes the rim light gradient toward the center

Lines Settings

  • Coordinate Source: Controls the source of the generation of the lines
    • Local Position: Uses object local position to generate the lines
    • UV: Uses UV coordinates to generate the lines. This is useful for skinned meshes that do not have stable local positions
  • Origin: Sets the point from which the lines will originate
  • Movement: Controls the movement speed of the lines across the mesh surface
  • Scale: Controls the number of lines
  • Nudge: Shifts the line gradient across the line width. 0.5 will make the gradient start in the middle of the line. Only visible when Falloff is above 0
  • Falloff: Controls the gradient falloff of the lines. The lines become solid at 0
  • Strength: Controls the visibility of the lines

Lines Distortion

  • Distortion Texture: Sets the texture that will be used for the distortion. Not intended to be modified as it uses a special noise texture
  • Scale: Controls the scale of the distortion noise. Higher values generate more complex patterns
  • Strength: Controls the strength of the distortion
  • Movement: Controls the scrolling of the distortion texture

Lines Colors

  • Top Lines Color: Sets the color of the lines at the top of the mesh
  • Bottom Lines Color: Sets the color of the lines at the bottom of the mesh

Material Influence

  • Lines Influence PBR: Enables Lines influence over the Metallic/Smoothness/Albedo properties of the material
  • Metallic Influence: Controls the amount of influence the lines have over the Metallic property of the material
  • Smoothness Influence: Controls the amount of influence the lines have over the Smoothness property of the material
  • Albedo Influence: Controls the amount of influence the lines have over the Albedo of the material

Vertex Wobble

  • Wobble Scale: Controls the frequency of the wobble. High polycount mesh is recommended at higher values
  • Wobble Strength: Controls the strength of the wobble
  • Wobble Movement: Controls the speed and direction of wobble movement across the mesh surface
  • Wobble Y Range (Min/Max): Limits the range of the wobble on the Y axis of the mesh in Local Space. X - wobble start, Y - wobble end

The full inspector looks like this

Ghost Lines Full InspectorGhost Lines Full Inspector
