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Standard Shaders (PBR)

Pulse Shader

Options relevant to the orels1/Standard Pulse shader

This shader provides a simple pulsing effect with an option to use a gradient for a "swipe" look. In combination with a mask texture slot - you can achieve a variety of effects.

Pulse Demo

Pulse InspectorPulse Inspector

  • Color: The color of the pulse effect
  • Type: Controls the type of pulse effect
    • All At Once: Pulses the whole mesh at once
    • Gradient: Pulses the mesh based on a gradient. The gradient is applied to the mesh based on the Gradient Source setting
  • Gradient Source: Controls how the gradient is applied to the mesh. Only visible when Type is set to Gradient
    • Local Position: Applies the gradient based on the mesh local position
    • UV: Applies the gradient based on the UV coordinates
    • Texture: Applies the gradient based on the value of the Gradient Texture. Generally is expected to be a gradient of some sort
  • Gradient Texture: Only visible when Gradient Source is set to Texture. The texture to use for the gradient
  • Gradient Direction: Controls the direction of the applied fade gradient
    • X/Y: Fade in the X/Y direction
    • Z: Fade in the Z direction. When Fade Based On is set to UV, this will not apply any fading
    • Negative X/Y: Fade in the negative X/Y direction
    • Negative Z: Fade in the negative Z direction. When Fade Based On is set to UV, this will not apply any fading
    • When Fade Based On is set to Texture, X/Y/Z instead picks the R/G/B channels of the texture
  • Debug Gradient: Shows the gradient as a black to white albedo color on your mesh. Helps to visualize the settings
  • Automatic: Automatically pulses the mesh based on the Speed setting
  • Speed: Only visible when Automatic is enabled. Controls the speed of the pulse effect
  • Progress: Controls the progress of the pulse effect. Only visible when Automatic is disabled. Is expected to be used via animators