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Standard Shaders (PBR)

Dissolve Shader

Options relevant to the orels1/Standard Dissolve shader and other Dissolve variants

This shader provides a customizable cutout dissolve effect on top of Standard. It can be used to create a variety of effects, from simple fade to more complex ones like the one shown below

An Advanced Dissolve Effect

Dissolve InspectorDissolve Inspector

  • Cutoff: Any pixels with an alpha value below this value will be cut out
  • Fade Based On: Controls how the dissolve effect is applied. The values selected here will be then passed to the Alpha channel and used by the Cutoff to control the fade
    • Local Position: Fades the dissolve effect based on the mesh local position
    • UV: Fades the dissolve effect based on the UV coordinates
    • Texture: Fades the dissolve effect based on the value of the Fade texture. Generally is expected to be a gradient of some sort
  • Fade Texture: The texture used to fade the dissolve effect. Only used when Fade Based On is set to Texture
  • Fade Direction: Controls the direction of the applied fade gradient
    • X/Y: Fade in the X/Y direction
    • Z: Fade in the Z direction. When Fade Based On is set to UV, this will not apply any fading
    • Negative X/Y: Fade in the negative X/Y direction
    • Negative Z: Fade in the negative Z direction. When Fade Based On is set to UV, this will not apply any fading
    • When Fade Based On is set to Texture, X/Y/Z instead picks the R/G/B channels of the texture
  • Debug Fade Gradient: Shows the fade gradient as a black to white albedo color on your mesh. Helps to visualize the settings of the fade gradient
  • Use Baked Noise: Controls whether or not to multiply base gradient by a pre-baked noise texture. This can be used to add more randomness to the fade gradient
  • Noise Scale: Only visible when Use Baked Noise is enabled. Controls the scale of the noise texture
  • Noise Texture: Only visible when Use Baked Noise is enabled. The noise texture used to multiply the base gradient. By default will be set to a special noise texture that combines into a 3d noise
  • Noise Strength: Only visible when Use Baked Noise is enabled. Controls the influence of the baked noise texture over the base gradient
  • Scroll Speed (X,Y,Z): Controls the speed of the noise texture scrolling in the X/Y/Z direction
  • Overlay Texture: Specifies an optional texture to multiply the base gradient by. Works best with tiling patterns. Can be used to add more detail to the fade gradient
  • Overlay Channel: Only visible when Overlay Texture is set. Controls which channel of the overlay texture to use
  • Overlay Strength: Only visible when Overlay Texture is set. Controls the influence of the overlay texture over the base gradient
  • Add Glowing Border: Adds a glowing border near the cutout edge
  • Border Width: Controls the width of the glowing border
  • Border Color: Controls the color of the glowing border

Demo Texture

A demo texture is provided with the shader. It can be found in the Packages/ORL Shader Generator/Runtime/Assets folder and is called Dissolve Pattern. It has 3 channels with different patterns. R being a Hex pattern, G being a square tile, and B being a triangle pattern. You can use this texture to test the Overlay Texture option

Color Randomisation