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Shader Generator


This page goes over the built-in templates in ORL Shader Generator and the features they provide.

Docs for creating your own templates will be added at a later date.

What is a Template

A Template is an .orltemplate file which serves as a basis for the shader generator. Every single module in the system is eventually inserted into the base template at a hook-up point.

Template Features

Parts of the template can be conditionally added or removed, which can be used to include whole passes.

A template feature is defined by adding a new TempalteFeature block inside a template.

// template code

        Name "CustomPass"
        Tags { "LightMode" = "ForwardBase" }
        Cull Front
        #include "CustomPass.hlsl"

// template code

To utilize this template feature in module or a shader, you only need to add a list of enabled template features like this


This will enable the CustomPass template feature, which will add the CustomPass pass to the shader.

The docs for TemplateFeatures can be found here.

Built-in Templates

All built-in templates are located in Packages -> ORL Shader Generator -> Runtime -> Sources -> Templates.

But you can reference them via an @ shorthand via the %Template block.

  • PBR
    • Contains no shader features
  • Toon
    • Contains the following shader features
      • PrePass: adds a configurable pre-pass. Useful for 2-pass transparency
        • Enabling this feature allows you to use the %PrePassModifiers block and the %PrePassColor function
  • VFX
    • Contains no shader features
  • UI
    • Contains no shader features
Creating Lighting Models